Sunday, December 03, 2006

About 60 million blogs jostle for attention in cyberspace, and they’re ready to use all available media: there are photo blogs, video blogs, audio blogs or just text blogs on just about any topic under the sun. The hottest topic in town is likely to have jottings first of all on a blog site.

So how do you attract attention to your blog amidst all that bustle. “There are many ways how one can do it. The most important way is to target a niche subject that you are passionate about and write your heart out,” says Kiruba Shankar, a pioneer of sorts in the Indian blogging space. Kiruba works actively to organise bloggers’ summits and unconferences.

He feels that with zillions of general interest blogs around, it’s important to focus on a niche area and do it exceedingly well. “Most of the popular blogs around are blogs that drill down deep on a particular subject,” says Kiruba. Spreading the word around about your blog is important too, and of course, there’s nothing like getting people to visit it and post their comments on it. Kiruba also fees that the URL in your email signature is important. “Get a domain name for your blog and let your email address contain the domain. I’ve done that with and I realise that’s helped me a lot,” he says. Your business card too could have your blog’s URL on it.

And the looks? Most blogs look so plain — that’s the most common comment from web surfers about blogs. But most bloggers think that design is an important part of blogs. “The design of a blog is very important,” says Ganesh APP, a tech blogger. Ganesh, who’s a third-year engineering student, has a blog on robotics, called bothack. Says Ganesh, “It’s great to have good content and usability, but if the design isn’t good people may not come back to your site. Worse still, they may just forget which site it was that they liked.”

Kiruba too agrees that design is very important: “Just like a neat dress makes an impression about a man, a good design for a blog is important. The good news is that there are tons of ready-made free templates that are available. You just need to choose it. There’s simply no excuse for having a bad blog design.”

But it’s necessary to keep the site simple — though that doesn’t mean it has to be plain or drab. A few nice looking elements that immediately get associated with your blog may be a good idea. “A lot like the Google site that has absolutely no clutter and is so easy to navigate,” says Ganesh. Flash-based sites are an absolute no-no and can slow down the site and exasperate visitors.
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