Thursday, December 21, 2006

I’m pleased to let you know that the third report,
“Part 3 - An Introduction to ContentDirect” is now
available for you to download!

I’ve only just finished writing this third installment
in the series of reports on this opportunity. I hope
you enjoy reading it - it certainly is a really
exciting part of the Partner System!

Don’t forget, if you haven’t already read the first
two reports you can grab a copy from the post below.

This exciting third report will reveal:

- A run-though how you can take a site from 0 to 100
pages in less than FIVE MINUTES;

- Why the chances of these massive content sites
(generated using ContentDirect) being the same as
another ContentDirect site are over TEN BILLION-TO-ONE

- All about the extra customization options within the
page generation process: Making your pages truly
unique and targeting them for your sites’ intended

- A handful of ideas for making use of the power of
ContentDirect in your business;

- How generated content can be automatically set up
with your own affiliates in mind - the affiliate’s
links already embedded within the generated pages,
making building content for affiliates’ sites a piece
of cake;

- And also… one mind-blowing fact about this tool,
for generating limitless streams of income, that will
have you jumping up and down with excitement?

Without further ado, here’s the link to this report:

Adobe PDF 3 - An Introduction to ContentDirect.pdf

Monday, December 18, 2006

If you aren't Blogging yet, get started! Blogging is a fast and easy way to inform interested parties about your area of expertise. In addition, a big plus of Blogging is that Blog posts are picked up much faster by search engines than new Web pages.

I use and recommend Google's Blogger as an easy to use platform that allows even the most techno challenged to begin and grow a successful Blog. The new Beta Version @ is even easier to use and allows more customization than the older platform.

Here are some basics you need to consider when working on your Blog:

  1. Buy a descriptive domain name and have it point at the Blogger URL for your Blog. This let's you market your Blog as a unique entity while reflecting the tone and intent of your blog. Try something catchy and memorable.
  2. Make sure you sign up for all the RSS feed hubs that your target market is probably using. You've probably noticed these graphics, called chicklets, on most Blogs for My Yahoo, Google, My MSN, Newsgator, etc.
  3. Check out as a way to setup your RSS chicklets (those little graphical icons for the various services), services and Pings. Pinging is when you post new content, the various services that check for updated Blog content get Pinged automatically when you update. This Ping notifies these services that there is something new on your Blog. Sort of like search engines for Blogs.
  4. Offer the ability to subscribe to your Blog and get posts by e-mail. Some folks just won't make it to your Blog to see what's new -- make it easy for them!
  5. When typing your posts, make sure to use a catchy title as that is the first thing folks will see when your updates are posted. You want to create a title that will attract their attention while, if possible, integrating keyword phrases about your main focus.
  6. It is very important, especially if you are Blogging for business, that you use proper sentence structure, grammar and check for typos. Blogger has a built-in spell check. Use it!
  7. Blog as often as possible and do no hesitate to show your personality! Blogs are expected to be more edgy and visitors actually want to get a an idea of who is behind the type on their screen. The more information, tips and commentary you can add the better. Do your best to post at least 3 times each week to keep your visitors and subscribers interested and coming back for more.

Those are just the basics to get your Blog up and running so that you can use it to cater to current customers, attract new customers and partners and get additional exposure for your business. And, you can have fun in the process by Blogging about what you know best!

Judith Kallos is an authoritative and good-humored Technology Muse who has played @ for over a decade. Check out her popular Business Start-up, Software, Programming and Web Design Cheat Sheets @

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