Thursday, December 21, 2006

I’m pleased to let you know that the third report,
“Part 3 - An Introduction to ContentDirect” is now
available for you to download!

I’ve only just finished writing this third installment
in the series of reports on this opportunity. I hope
you enjoy reading it - it certainly is a really
exciting part of the Partner System!

Don’t forget, if you haven’t already read the first
two reports you can grab a copy from the post below.

This exciting third report will reveal:

- A run-though how you can take a site from 0 to 100
pages in less than FIVE MINUTES;

- Why the chances of these massive content sites
(generated using ContentDirect) being the same as
another ContentDirect site are over TEN BILLION-TO-ONE

- All about the extra customization options within the
page generation process: Making your pages truly
unique and targeting them for your sites’ intended

- A handful of ideas for making use of the power of
ContentDirect in your business;

- How generated content can be automatically set up
with your own affiliates in mind - the affiliate’s
links already embedded within the generated pages,
making building content for affiliates’ sites a piece
of cake;

- And also… one mind-blowing fact about this tool,
for generating limitless streams of income, that will
have you jumping up and down with excitement?

Without further ado, here’s the link to this report:

Adobe PDF 3 - An Introduction to ContentDirect.pdf

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